Ukraine Appeal

Can you help the Ukrainian people?

Sandy, a local resident of Six Streets, who regularly provided English lessons in Ukraine is flying to Poland next week. Whilst he is there he will be meeting with a Ukrainian colleague who is making humanitarian runs between Ukraine and Poland.

So far the people of Ukraine have been using their personal money and property to provide aid but this has now run out. We have attached some pictures of their efforts so far and would be so grateful for any help you can give.

If you can make donations for Sandy to take over, specifically tourniquets, medical equipment or anything of use, please message to arrange drop off or collection.

Sandy’s work was in Western Ukraine and if the situation there deteriorates, colleagues and friends there may wish to leave and come to UK. So he could be a future contact for those wishing to be matched with Ukrainians seeking visas to come here. At the minute, they are determined to stay but this may change.

Another way to donate is through the Disasters Emergency Committee which supports charities in Ukraine and neighbouring countries

Diana Bruce