Fruit Watch - Citizen Science Project

Citizen Science is scientific research conducted, in whole or in part, by amateur (or nonprofessional) scientists. It is helpful when large amounts of observations across th country are needed for researchers to analyse and see what the big picture is.

The University of Reading and Oracle for Research have developed the Fruit Watch website where citizen scientists can easily post their observations on fruit trees. People will initially be asked to record the flowering cherry and plum trees near them, with apple trees soon to follow.

“We need members of the public to go out into gardens, allotments, orchards and parks and tell us what they see. We want as many eyes on as many trees as possible to tell us if climate change really is having an impact on fruit tree pollination. If it is, then action will be required to prevent a potentially significant impact on fruit production.

“Pollinators and fruit trees falling out of sync could mean supply issues, and more expensive and lower-quality fruit. Pollinators do an incredible job for the planet, and if insects are unable to pollinate fruit trees then something else will have to – potentially humans.”

Diana Bruce