Six Streets Summer Events
Details are still being finalised but over the summer we hope to return to business as usual in terms of community events.
Derby City Council is still considering the road closure order for Friday 23rd April as they - and us - want to make sure our pop up playground is covid secure.
And towards the end of May / beginning of June, we will be holding a neighbourhood spring clean - with litter picks etc being supplied by the council. This event had to be cancelled twice last year so fingers crossed!
July will see the return of the ever popular Street Sale - so please plan forr it now. You may feel your band needs a gentle return to performing, you may have plants to sell, need a clear out of quality pre loved items or have spent the covid year crafting and have fantastic items to sell. This date is being finalised as we hope to link in with Derby Jazz - again something that had ot be cancelled last year.
And come August, we hope to see some great community spirit in the shape of a Street Party. What would you like to be included??