Aida Bliss - Film Studio Plans

The creation of a film studio and stunt academy in Derby has moved a step closer with a temporary planning application being submitted.

Marv Studios, best known for Rocketman, Stardust and the Kingsman franchise, is proposing to invest £13 million in the Aida Bliss site. The City Road building has been empty for 20 years. The proposal would transform the site into a film studio to enable the firm to provide professional training spaces for rehearsing and shooting TV and film productions.

In addition, a stunt training academy is planned which is described as “Europe’s first stunt training and testing centre”, with a further proposal to create a National Centre of Excellence in gymnastics, trampolining, parkour and martial arts.

A full planning application is expected to be submitted soon with current one seeking to utilise the modern shed at rear of the site for film-making purposes.

It says that film-making operations will take place typically between 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday during the 9 month temporary occupation period with up to 50 employees on site during filming on site.

Diana Bruce