Food 4 Thought Easter Campaign

See their Instagram post

DF4T Alliance are making plans for their Easter Campaign:

They say “We had such a great response to our Reverse Advent Calendar at Christmas, we are hoping to get the same great support for our Easter campaign

Our Easter Campaign for 2022 is for 10,000 Easter Eggs to support our partners in making sure that no child or vulnerable adult in need goes without an Easter treat

To make this happen we need your help, we are asking for your support by donating Easter Eggs, or supporting with a monetary donation so we can then purchase Easter Eggs

Large or small donations will help a great deal in getting to our target and making sure no one goes without this year.

Can we suggest the donation be Easter Eggs of approx £2 value as this will help us in dividing them up with our partners?

If you are interested in making a monetary or an Easter egg donation please get on touch via email to make arrangements or discuss any further questions you may have.

Thank You”


Diana Bruce