Darley Mills Bridge - Inspection Report Due

The Council is currently awaiting results of a further survey that should reveal if there is any opportunity for the bridge to take pedestrians and cyclists (certainly not vehicles). The results are due next week (13th to 17th June) and once concil officers have looked at the results , they will be able to offer what interventions (if any) are required if pedestrian usage is an option.

There is no guaranteed timescale on work being undertaken as a result of this inspection. The survey results will dictate what work is required, which could range from very little to more large scale and ultimately expensive repairs. This action is seen as merely a short term solution and ultimately in the long term a new bridge of some description or extensive repairs will be required.

In parallel to awaiting the survey, this exploration work is being undertaken to look at sites nearby which could site a temporary bridge structure. Currently, two such sites are possibly viable but there are complications over land ownership and the suitability and integrity of the banks to take the weight and footfall a bridge would bring.

Diana Bruce