It Could Be You!

Fancy Making Something Amazing Happen in Six Streets?

The Six Streets group want to support people with new ideas to make living in and around our community even better.

  • could you organise an event?

  • bring people together to share in a common interest?

  • help people in need?

Our group is made up entirely of volunteers. They clear snow from the pavements, organise the arts trail, the street sale, the advent windows and the local history group. The manage the Facebook page, prepare this newsletter and much more.

Every one of these things started because someone like you has an idea and the group helped make it happen. We help by promoting their activities, finding helping hands and on occassion providing a little money to kick things off.

If there’s something you’d like to do, drop us a line. we can’t promise to support everything but we’re open to ideas, especially those which encourage friendship and neighbourliness.

Of course, it’s not all about big ideas. If you simply have little time and would like to get involved then we’d love to hear from you.

Read the rest of the Spring Newsletter here

Diana Bruce