CityFibre Information
CityFibre held a Zoom meeting for Derby residents on Wed 17th Feb. You may find some of the feedback interesting
The Helpline number is 0800 0836160 You can report any issues (debris left, poor work etc) or ask further questions
CityFibre apologised for some access issues for those with disabilities. The teams have clear guidelines on providing ramps and clear safe routes during construction.
CityFibre aims to provide the very fast internet access to apartment blocks as well as houses.
CityFibre has dug trenches along pavement on one side of a street and then connected up to BT telegraph poles. When it gets to the point when different internet service provider companies are offering access to their customers, they will access the BT poles and onto homes. It is up to ISPs to set any connection charges as well as usage rates.
Residents on private roads like Parkfields Drive are invited to contact CityFibre to arrange a site visit to discuss best possible arrangment. This also applies to any other properties that can not access Virgin. CityFibre aims to reach more households than was possible then.
There will be future meetings with the council being kept up to date on the CityFibre rollout programme