Sturgess Fields Bridges
Sturgess Fields is a town green open to all and owned by the university. There is a planning application for the building of new and replacements bridges between the fields.
Details can be seen at Derby City Councils eplanning site (application reference 20/01334/FUL) You can choose to leave a comment about this planning application -in support, objecting to it or making a general point. Any comments should be made within 24 days of the date on the planning notice (10th Feb) ie before 6th March 2021.
There is an ecological survey, design and access statements, drawings of the proposed bridges and a site plan to show where they will be.
The application has the replacement bridge as the one on the main path from Jonty Farmer field to the corner of the fenced off field where 2 brooks merge - this path leads to Markeaton Street and the pond by the A38. The new bridge is where there have been various (unofficial) plank bridges over the years to allow access frm the main path to the field adjoining the allotments and Watson St scout hut.
The main path bridge is proposed to have aluminum parapet while the bridge across to Watson St field will have wooden walkway and railings.