Derby Walking Festival 2021 - urgent ask!

Katy West is the council officer who organised the first ever Derby Walking Festival in 2019 and who also saw all her work on the 2020 one be overtaken by the lockdown. She is very keen that there will be some kind of festival this year whether that is people getting together in covid compliant manner for guided walks or people following a “virtual guide” at time of their own choosing with people in their bubble or in distanced pairs from different households.

Here in Six Streets, we are very lucky in being able to walk out from both Markeaton and Darley Parks to surrounding countryside so I hope that some of you would be willing to share their favourite walks. If this appeals, please get in touch asap - before Friday 15th January

That initial contact just has to be a brief description of the walk and a confirmation that you will work on either being a virtual guide or commit to leading a walk at some point this year (very open ended timewise) Being a virtual guide is a matter of providing a map, walk description (preferably with photos) and could include top tips for refreshment stops - this material doesn’t have to be ready by the 15th!

Six Streets took part in the first Festival by having 2 walks around the area based on the History Group’s walk from 2012 Arts Festival. This is still available on the website and should be part of the next Festival.

Diana Bruce