The information below has come from Derbyshire Police:
Did you know you can use social media to report non-emergencies to us?
Instead of having to use the 101 line and speak to someone on the phone, you can send us a message on social media, use our website, or speak to a call handler on Live Chat.
This will then free up our call handlers to answer the phones to those that are only able to, or would just prefer to, physically speak to someone.
Our team of call handlers are here for the people of Derbyshire 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To get in touch digitally, you can use:
• Facebook: Send a message to us on
• Twitter: Send a direct message to our contact centre via
• Website: Use our online forms or Live Chat by visiting
Our website houses a number of online forms, where you can report a crime, road traffic incident, anti-social behaviour, apply for licenses and firearms certificates, as well as use ‘Your Area’, where residents can find out more about, and contact, their local Safer Neighbourhood Teams.
If you can, please consider contacting us digitally, so our call handlers are free to speak to those that don’t have any access to the internet to do so.
Please note, in the case of an emergency, you should always phone 999.