Six Streets Newsletter 2019
Please note: timing of Street Sale- Saturday 13th July - should be 1 to 4pm. And please get in touch if you can host the Six Streets Cafe on the day. Thanks.
Six Streets prints 2 newsletters a year (at a cost of about £120 pa) the latest of which has just been delivered by volunteers to every home in the core area (please get in touch, if you got left out!)
The aim is to allow everyone - not just those with access to the internet - to know what is going on in their area and encourage as many residents as possible to become involved.
The cost of the newsletter is covered by fundraising events through the year. Down the years, it has always been felt that we shouldn’t accept adverts or sponsorship - but this could change if people want it to.
The latest copy is packed with details of Easter Event, Arts Trail, Street Sale, Food Bank, volunteering opportunities and a piece from Amanda who isn’t on our Steering Group but simply went ahead and decided to collect donations of everyday toiletries for those in need (which is pretty fantastic and shows you don’t have to sign up to Six Streets to achieve, though we’re glad to be able to highlight her efforts)
Click Here to read the Spring 2019 edition of the Six Streets Newsletter
Thank you to all those who contributed and to Mike for collating and proof reading as well as to Jane for making it look so cool.
On the subject of fundraising: our bank account is a little on the low side (we’ve paid out for defibrillator items and a chunk for Snow Patrol recently) so please get in touch if you have the Midas Touch