RePurposing Community Library Buildings

Derby City Council is proposing to close 10 libraries around Derby including the one at Park Farm and the fairly recently purpose built one on Prince Charles Avenue, Mackworth.

Derby City Council is calling for voluntary organisations and community groups to get in touch with ideas for how they could run any, or all, of the city’s 10 community spaces. The Council is inviting proposals from existing charities, organisations and constituted community groups who want to deliver services within the community library buildings that have clear benefits for their communities. 

This could offer an opportunity to explore a community hub model, which could include co-locating libraries with other services, and not incur any extra costs. The precise use of the buildings is open to negotiation.

Some groups have already contacted the Council to express interest in running and developing services, such as Knit and Natter groups and activities for toddlers, for their local communities.

Current budget proposals do not provide for any funding to run for additional use or opening hours of the building.

More details

Diana Bruce