School Safe Haven - Have Your Say
Bromley Street and Newton’s Walk are going to be part of a Derby City Council trial from October aimed at encouraging more children to walk/scoot to school and to cut problem parking.
Letters have been delivered to residents in the Safe Haven zone but apparently they aren’t worded that clearly. It is school run traffic and through traffic that will be prevented from entering/leaving during a set time in morning and evening. Residents are eligible for permits to allow them to get to work on time! It seems that provision is made for carer visits during the 2 hours a day.
The suggested timings of the restrictions are 8.15 to 9.15pm and 3 to 4pm but actual timings have yet to be determined. The proposed zone is the whole of Bromley Street and Newton’s walk from Bromley Street to Park Grove. The trial will be evaluated before any decision on permanent change.
More information on School Safe Haven is on the council website Residents around the Safety Zone as well as parents can give their experience of school traffic and their views to the council here