Markeaton Rec Bridge
Many local dogwalkers, users of the playground on Markeaton Rec and people accessing the scout hut on Watson Street will have noticed that the bridge over the brook on the edge of the recreation ground has been closed for some months.
Many people may have expected to see repair work going on with the bridge then re-opening. However it has become clear that this is not going to happen. The bridge is apparently beyond repair and has been condemned as structurally unsafe by the council. So many would then expect it to be replaced but as it is not on a walkway recognised by the council, there are no plans from the Council to fund a new bridge. If it is to be replaced, funding would need to be found from somewhere, and this will not be cheap.
The Council is clear that people should not use the bridge as it is not safe.
Some people may have spotted that the path by the Scout Hut fence is suffering from more litter than usual - including sometimes used needles. These should be reported to the council so that they can be properly disposed of. It seems that some individuals are going past the fences to find a quiet spot.
The council has only received two communications from people asking for the bridge to be re-opened. This doesn’t make the matter any kind of priority for funding especially given the unofficial nature of the walkway.
If anyone does want to get in touch then contact details are here: