Support for those coming out of Shielding

Four million people in England who have been shielding will be receiving letters in the next couple of weeks with updated advice and guidance on steps people can take to reduce their risk of transmission as the programme ends on April 1st

It is still advised that those who have been asked to shield previously take extra precautions wherever possible to stay safe.

If you have been told that you are high risk and have been asked to shield and have not been offered your COVID-19 jab, please contact your GP or visit the NHS website to book.

While the shielding programme is coming to an end, plenty of support is still available for those who need it in Derby. If you are in Six Streets area, in the West End, along Keldeston Road to Five Lamps, along Duffield Rd from Five Lamps to Broadway, you can contact our local Good Neighbour scheme directly - 07759 778835 or email

Across Derby, the Community Hub is there to assist all those in need during the pandemic but will prioritise those who have no family, friends, or neighbours to support them. Those who need support can call Derby Direct on 01332 640000. A text service is also available for Deaf people on 0777 4333412.

The line will open between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. There’s also a dedicated email at

We are also requesting calls from ‘Good Neighbours’ who have some time during lockdown to assist the Hub with a variety of tasks, including distributing food parcels once or twice a week.

More details from Derby City Council

Diana Bruce