Free Angling Session for young people

The Earl of Harrington's AC is a very active club which is responsible for the management of angling in Markeaton and Darley Parks on behalf of the city council.

They are working with the Environment Agency to try and protect our at-risk native crayfish population, they organise regular litter picks,and every year plant scores of insect friendly aquatic plants, put up nest boxes.

Recently they have persuaded the Environment Agency to have the local section of the River Derwent stocked with indigenous fish species that were on the decline.

But they do go fishing as well! If you know of anyone 6 to 16 who wants to have a go at fishing, a beginners' event is being held on the morning of Saturday June 26th at nearby Woodrow's Pond, which is just off Haslam's Lane, Darley.

there is no cost with all tackle, bait and the one-to-one tuition being provided free.

To register message The Earl of Harrington's AC Facebook page and provide the name and date of birth of the participant and provide an email address.

Diana Bruce