The Great Big Art Exhibition - in our windows!
Your artwork can use any medium - collage, video, painting, sculpture, photography, performance or/and …
Antony Gormley has chosen the opening theme of animals, and later themes will include portraits, the pick of Sonia Boyce. Other artists supporting the scheme include Ai Weiwei, Jeremy Deller and Anish Kapoor.
You can go solo, make it a household effort or if you get together with others, please make it covid secure.
Then display your artwork - for most of us, this will be in a window facing out but it could be in your garden, on your door etc as the idea is for passerbys to be able to view it. Please make sure your artwork is fixed securely.
Then please take a photo of your work and share it. You could post it on Six Streets Facebook with the hashtag #thegreatbigartexhibition2021 or on any social media you choose and share it with the people who had the idea: Facebook / Twitter @firstsite or Instagram @firstsitecolchester
They ask that you supply a name, give your city and a single sentence of your artwork (unless you prefer to make a 30 second audio or video clip)
You can check out artworks people have shared by going to Partnering Firstsite, which will be making key works available to download free, are the Plus Tate Network of museums and galleries around the UK. The Great Big Art Exhibition is also supported by Arts Council England and partners include Art UK, The Big Draw and Voluntary