Update: A38 Derby Roundabouts

The final decision on the redesign of the three A38 roundabouts - Kingsway,Markeaton and Little Eaton - has been delayed due to covid19.

The enquiry was underway when we went into lockdown so the govt has now announced that no decision will be made yet. The timetable for the planning process has the close of the Examination stage moved from April to September.

As hearings can not be held while gatherings are banned, evidence will be heard online during June before a decision on whether the project goes ahead is considered by the Transport Secretary.


During this lockdown, even more residents than usual have probably appreciated the walk from Six Streets, across the spiral bridge over the A38 amongst the mature trees and into Markeaton Park which is such a wonderful asset on our doorstep.

As part of the proposed A38 redevelopment which is under consideration. this pedestrian bridge will be demolished cutting off this access for perhaps 16 months or so until a new multiuser bridge is in place. If the project goes ahead, the trees around the bridge and all along the east edge of the Park will be felled, including an ancient oak tree (age estimated at 300 years). The A38 will be widened to motorway width along the edge of Markeaton Park.

The usual result of such projects is that after the 4 years of disruption (noise, delays, diversions, rat running, closure of the Markeaton Island car park) caused by construction, traffic flow eases with associated increase in speed and volume of traffic until the new road meets capacity and congestion returns.

However, in post Covid19 days and in the light of the UK declaring a climate change emergency, traffic volumes may not return to previous levels so the normal congestion at the roundabouts may be avoided anyway. If you are interested in finding about more about how to conribute to the online discussions, you may wish to contact Derby Climate Coalition.

Diana Bruce