Food Bank @ Broadway this Christmas

This Christmas, many people will have to turn to foodbanks for the first time. People who have lost their jobs after months of using savings to top up furlough pay and who never expected to be choosing between heating and food while waiting for Universal Credit payments to come through.

Broadway Baptist Church says

“Thank you so much to everyone who has and does support the foodbank.

The structure has changed and all food is going to a central hub to be distributed to food banks across the city. It is developing as Food4Thought Alliance Derby looks at the root causes of poverty.

At Broadway however we will continue to be a drop off point. The need is likely to increase rather than decrease as winter approaches.

Please continue to drop off donations into the bins and the food will be brought in (in school hours it is more likely that someone is in the building)

Any queries, feel free to phone or text 07908 112049.”

Diana Bruce