Rams Sculpture Trail

Derby Museums seeks a flock of sponsors for its Derby Ram Trail

A world-class sculpture trail in Derby for summer 2020

The Derby Ram Trail will consist of around 30, five-foot high fibreglass sculptures in the shape of Derby’s mythical Ram; which, according to legend, was ten yards high with enormous horns and a huge flowing fleece. The story tells of people travelling from all over to see the huge ram, and it is exciting to think the trail will attract even more attention when it opens to the public in June 2020

Sponsors Needed

Each Ram needs a business sponsor, before being decorated by a commissioned artist. Once all 30 Rams are sponsored and decorated, they will go on public display between June and August 2020. After the trail has finished, the sculptures will be brought together for one weekend, the Ram-union, before they are, auctioned off to raise money for Derby Museums’ Endowment Fund, helping to secure the future of Derby Museums.

Sponsorship Details etc