Before Six Streets
This 1882 map, with Kedleston Road in yellow across it, shows how much the Six Streets area has changed.
The area between Kedleston Road and Duffield Road was mainly open land with a few large houses.
Parkfields (175 on the map) was accessed from Kedleston Road; the carriages went along what is now Wheeldon Avenue and Parkfields Drive.
West Parkfields (149) built in 1873 shared the same carriage drive. Newton's Walk branches off from the carriage drive, running up towards The Leylands.
By this date, Cedar Street has been built next to Parkfields Cedars (166) or The Cedars as it is labelled above.
Much of the Victorian housing in the West End has gone, but street names like Parker Street, Whitecross Street and Leylands Street are still on today's maps.
To the right are allotments on Liversage Trust land - where Arthur Hind Close was built. The trust, founded in 1529, still owns a housing complex at the top of the close, behind Parkfields House.