Snow Patrol

Six Streets Needs You! Snow Patrol Needs You!

Older people and those with mobility issues can be trapped inside when snow lays on the ground. Parents with buggies and younger children can find walking difficult so we aim to clear a narrow track on each pavement across the area.

There are already 29 Snow Patrollers – we would like 5 more.

On Park Grove, we have an empty slot on the odd numbered side from Newton's Walk to Bromley St junction. On Bromley St, there is the stretch from Newton’s Walk to Park Grove - again on the odd numbered side.

On White St, we have the top third of the pavement on the even side and on even numbered Kedleston Rd, there is Statham St to White St as well as White St to Arthur Hind Close. And we could also do with a volunteer for Bromley St to the school playground fence.

Shovels and grit are provided. Please email if you would like more details or if you are keen to substitute Outdoors Gym for your normal session if snow settles.

Thank You

Diana BruceSix Streets