Dog Fouling
There has been a noticeable increase (from almost none to fairly frequent) in the number of times that people have had to avoid dog poo left on the pavements around the area. This is a serious health hazard as well as being unpleasant. The person walking the dog is leaving themselves liable to a £50 penalty and up to a £1000 fine if convicted in court.
If you would like to notify the council and ask for stencils to be sprayed on the pavements in a place you have noticed dog poo then the report details are here
There have also been instances where the person with a dog has had a bag with them and has used it to pick up the poo but then thrown it untied into front gardens near the Park Grove/Wheeldon Ave crossroads (and perhaps elsewhere in the area?) This is anti social behaviour and upsetting for the person who has to clear the mess.