Table Tennis - free kits

A call out to all Community Groups interested in running three to four TT Kidz live sessions to get in contact with Table Tennis England as they have the opportunity to give four organisations 15 free kit bags!

The organisation needs to be working with children aged 7-11 years old and you must be able to distribute the kit bags to your participants

What is TT Kidz?

Through a series of sessions, the children will learn all the basics necessary to enjoy a great game of table tennis . . . keeping active, socialising, developing hand/eye coordination, developing core skills, and generally having a great time.

How do TT Kidz live sessions work?

A member of the TT Kidz team will organise and run live sessions over zoom for your members.

What is included in the kit bags?

Bat, ball and bag (x15 for each community group)

When is the deadline to register your interest?

24th February, after which one of our development team will be in contact to arrange delivery and running the sessions.


 Link to more details here


Diana Bruce